Introducing GEMA: using Small AI to find the signal in the election noise

Still unsure who to vote for on 4 July? Still not convinced that AI can have a positive effect on democracy? GEMA, our General Election Manifesto Assistant, might just be able help with both of these questions.

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If you want to avoid the bombastic nonsense of TV debates and the patchy ways political parties try to reach us on social media, you’ve got little alternative, as an undecided voter, than to pore through the major players’ manifestos. That’s more than 1,250 pages of arguments and promises – a total of more than 330,000 words.

Even then, you’re going to have to filter this mass of information to work out what really matters to you as an individual rather than each party’s idea of what their ideal voter looks like.

Fortunately, digesting huge volumes of content and responding to personalised questions about what it contains is exactly the kind of thing that Small AI is great for.

So we’ve built GEMA, a tool that will answer your manifesto questions, show you what AI can do and maybe even help you make up your mind on Thursday. Basically, GEMA’s read the manifestos so you don’t have to.

We hope you enjoy using our tool. It’s just one example of how we create practical, personal experiences that improve engagement and build brands. If you’d like to find out how GEMA works or to discuss how we can use AI and other tools to reinvent the way you engage with your audiences, please contact us.

We do not store your data or any information you provide when using this tool.

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